Religious Studies

Religious Studies

Key Stage 3

Students have one 50 minute lesson of Religious Studies per week. The curriculum aims to inspire students to become theologians and philosophers who can make critical and balanced judgements about questions of meaning and purpose by developing knowledge and conceptual understanding. Our students can expect a knowledge rich curriculum where they will acquire an in-depth understanding of the core theological beliefs of various religions as well as considering philosophical viewpoints on the meaning of life and death, good and evil, and rites of passage. Our key stage 3 curriculum provides students with theological, philosophical and ethical understanding to apply to their continued study at GCSE. 

Key Stage 4

Students will have 3 timetabled lessons of Religious Studies per week. Students choosing to take history will study 4 units, each comprising a range of topics. 

Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World

Whilst studying this topic students will gain an understanding of how religion has influenced individuals, communities and societies. They will do this by looking at main themes: Issues of Relationships, Issues of Life and Death, Issues of Good and Evil, and Issues of Human Rights. Students will learn how various interpretations of sources and/or teachings may give rise to diversity within traditions or textual studies on religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world. Students will gain an understanding of different perspectives, deriving from either different religions or different views/denominations within a particular religion.

Study of Christianity

Whilst studying this topic students will discover more about the beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity. Students will learn about the nature of God, creation, salvation, Jesus Christ, pilgrimage, sacraments, worship amongst other themes.The nature of this component ensures that students know and understand the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian, but also diverse and include the following religious and non-religious traditions: Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Humanism and Atheism. 

Study of a world Faith: Option 5 - Islam 

Islam is one of a diverse range of religious and non-religious traditions and beliefs in Great Britain. Students studying this topic will learn about a range of beliefs and teaching, including the nature of Allah, prophethood, Akhirah and the foundations of the islamic faith. As well as learning about Muslim practises including the Five Pillars of Sunni Islam, the Ten Oglicatory Acts of Shi’a, Jihad and islamic festivals/commemorations. 


At both key stage 3 and 4, students are assessed every lesson through regular low stakes testing and retrieval practice.

Key stage 3 and 4 students will take a Cumulative Knowledge Test at three points within the school year, as well as two formal assessment points where students will be expected to write extended answers to GCSE exam style questions. 

The GCSE exams that students will take at the end of year 11 are as follows: 

Paper One: Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World

A written examination that is 2 hours long and will be worth 50% of their total GCSE 1-9 grade.  

Paper Two: Study of Christianity

A written examination that is 1 hour long and will be worth 25% of students overall 1-9 GCSE grade.

Paper Three: Study of a World Faith

A written examination that is 1 hour long and will be worth 25% of students overall 1-9 GCSE grade.

Future Careers

Students who study Religious Studies gain skills in literacy, analysis and interpretation. They gain a better understanding of cultures and traditions around the world. Potential career options for those who study Religious Studies include: counsellor, youth worker, chaplain, teacher, international aid worker and many more.