

At Coleridge Community College, we are committed to ensuring our staff can teach, and our students can learn, disruption free. Our full behaviour policy can be found in the Policies section of our website.

House Points

Throughout the day any staff member may award a House point for those students who have shown that they have gone above and beyond with their engagement, behaviour and learning. Similarly, students can also receive House points for showing good behaviour and kindness around the school ie, picking up litter, holding a door open, helping a lost student.

All House points are received on an individual basis but will accumulate towards the House total.

Reward Badges

Individuals can earn badges for achieving House points as follows:

10 House points: Certificates

100 House points: Blue Reward badge

200 House points: House Colour Reward badge

300 House points: Bronze Reward Badge

500 House points: Silver Reward Badge

1000 House points: Gold Reward Badge

2000 House points: Platinum Reward Badge

Golden Tickets

1 Student in each classroom, in each lesson of the day, will be awarded the prestigious ‘Golden Ticket’ which is an automatic 5 House points.

Always Club

Each term tutors and teachers can nominate students who, they think, have always demonstrated the school's values. These students get a certificate presented to them in front of other students and an invitation is sent home to ask them to join the Headteacher for a free lunch on a Friday.


Each tutor group has a Formopoly board in their tutor base. They will work their way around the board by receiving Form of the Week certificates for:

  • 100% attendance
  • 100% punctuality: no 'lates' for anyone
  • Perfect behaviour: no behaviour points or removals for anyone
  • 100% equipment: everyone has all their equipment every day
  • Perfect uniform

Interim prizes are also awarded at railway stations, as they progress around the board.

Warn Move Remove

We use a 3 warning system. 

1st Infringement of Coleridge Conduct Approach = WARN

2nd Infringement of Coleridge Conduct Approach = MOVE

3rd Infringement of Coleridge Conduct Approach = REMOVE

If a student is removed from a lesson they go to our Reflection Room. In this space students are given an opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and consider how to change it in future to ensure they meet the school’s expectations outlined in the Coleridge Conduct Approach. They follow their usual school timetable through recorded lessons. Students complete 6 periods in the Reflection Room and a longer school day until 4:00pm.

Centralised Detentions

Coleridge operates one centralised detention system where all dententions will be run each day by a member of the Senior Leadership Team or the Inclusion Team. All detentions are completed the same day that they are issued. These include detentions for lateness, uniform, equipment and homework.