Former Foundation Trust

Trustee   Robert Lowson

Trustee   Janet Swadling

Trustee   Stephen Kent Taylor

Chair of Trustees   Nick Hood

Chair of Ridgefield Primary Trustee  Jane Rickell 

Company Secretary   Tracy Terry


CCEF was the Foundation Trust of the Parkside Federation, a partnership between Parkside Community College and Coleridge Community College and Ridgefield Primary School. The Federation converted to an Academy Trust in March 2011 (initially named Parkside Federation Academies and later Cambridge Academic Partnership (CAP)).  

The Charity continued its strong relationship with CAP when it became a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) and within the Articles of Association had the right to appoint Members to the Trust. The CAP MAT has now closed and the CAP schools have formed the United Learning Cambridge Cluster. CCEF remains a separate charity but retains its close links with the Cluster.


The charity’s objectives are to advance the education of pupils or students attending any cluster school or any CCEF foundation school, and to promote education of the wider community within the City of Cambridge, both young people and adults, maintaining commitment at all times to:-

  1. meeting the educational needs and aspirations of the pupils of the schools;
  1. addressing the educational needs and aspirations and promoting cohesion in  the community resident within the City of Cambridge;
  1. equality of access and opportunity for all; 
  1. excellence in teaching and learning; and
  1. active collaboration with educational and other partner

For further information on the Charity, becoming a Trustee or a Member please contact the Company Secretary on tracy.terry@parksidecc.org.uk