All UK Schools are required to ensure that students are taught key British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) awareness. These British Values as defined by the Government are:
1. Democracy
2. The rule of law
3. Individual liberty
4. Mutual respect
5. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
At Coleridge, British Values are embedded across our curriculum and through the wider school experiences of our students. The values of tolerance and respect for all ensures our students make a positive contribution to our society. We aim to develop our students, their skills and values to enable them to live their lives as respectful, caring and responsible citizens. Our Rewards and Behaviour policy supports us in challenging opinions and behaviour that is contrary to fundamental British values. We embed Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) elements across our curriculum to ensure our students are exposed to a wide variety of beliefs, values and traditions to support them in developing their awareness and understanding of all.
Our aim is to empower our students to actively engage in the democratic process and have their voices heard. Students have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote in school as we elect House Captains and Head Students. Our students are also encouraged to take part in student voice activities and give feedback on whole school initiatives. In PSHE lessons, students learn about democracy in the UK and we invite speakers in to discuss democracy and issues in our local community.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws is reinforced with our students as we want them to understand that whether these laws are for the classroom, the school, community or the country, they are there for good reasons and should be followed. Our behaviour policy supports us in guiding students to make positive choices. Through PSHE lessons we also look at the role of the justice system and allow students to discuss issues that affect them and explore the laws surrounding these issues.
Individual Liberty
We encourage all of our students to aspire to be the best they can be. Through talks from successful role models within the community and speakers from a range of different careers. In PSHE lessons, students explore topics of radicalisation, human rights and the responsibilities they have to our community as well as to the country as UK citizens. Within the relationships units students are also taught about the importance of consent, contraception and relationship choices, including sexual orientation and gender identity.
Mutual Respect
Our core values of integrity and being caring are fundamentally about respect and this is reinforced and acknowledged in our behaviour policy. As a school we promote the sense of community that makes Coleridge a special place to be and encourage our students to show respect for one another and for all in our local area.
Through our TTRP programme, students are exposed to a number of texts from authors exploring different cultures and identities. Our enrichment programme ensures our students have the opportunity to culturally enrich their lives by increasing their interactions with each other and the wider community.
Within PSHE lessons, students are taught about the Equalities Act and embed the importance of respecting people of all faiths, sexualities, races, genders and more. We are working towards achieving the Rainbow Flag award and have also introduced anti-bullying ambassadors and promoted that we are a telling school and bullying is not tolerated within our school or community.
Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
Tolerance is gained through knowledge and understanding. Our students must understand their place in a culturally diverse society and have opportunities to experience this diversity within the school and the community. Throughout our curriculum, in the celebration and acknowledgement of religious and cultural festivals, in assemblies and through House events and competitions, our students are exposed to a number of faiths, beliefs and cultures. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Students who are members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school. Opportunity and space is provided for daily prayer.