

We follow a mastery teaching approach in maths, ensuring that our students have mastered key areas of the curriculum. These topics are built on each year so that our students can confidently access GCSE questions when they begin Key Stage 4. 

Our students study with the Edexcel exam board as the exam encourages students to develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. There is a focus on problem solving and students being able to apply their skills and mathematical knowledge in different contexts. Students are required to reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions. 


Years 7-10 complete a Mid-Year Assessment in Half Term 3 and an End of Year Assessment in Half Term 6. 

Year 11 complete mock exams in Half Terms 2 and 4. 

Maths is a linear course, meaning that our students complete all of their assessment at the end of Year 11. There are 3 papers lasting 90 minutes each: 1 Non-calculator and 2 Calculator papers. 

Students study towards the Higher tier (Grades 4-9) or Foundation tier (up to Grade 5). 

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

  • UKMT Intermediate and Junior Maths Challenges
  • Edexcel Extended Mathematics Certificate
  • Axiom Maths Circles (Maths Education for Social Mobility and Excellence)
  • Sparx Maths 100% Club
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club

Future Careers

Did you know that maths can help in all of the following careers: mobile application developer, construction manager, computer animator, commercial pilot, diagnostic medical sonographer, project manager, registered nurse, landscape designer, electronics or mechanical engineering technician, video game designer, aircraft mechanic, architectural drafting technician, electrician, plumber, mechanic, carpenter, truck driver, optician, photographer, pharmacy technician. 

Sparx help – Useful resources to help you get started on Sparx 

Sparx Homework for Students  

Sparx Homework for Parents 

How Students Log in to Sparx 

Useful Revision Websites

SparxMaths complete compulsory homework or independent practice.

MathsGenie  practice questions are listed by approximate GCSE grade to help target your revision 

CorbettMaths  worksheets and videos to help you focus on specific topics