Key Stage 3
Geography is all about promoting an understanding of the nature of the earth’s surface, the character of places, the complex nature of people’s relationships and interactions with their environments and the importance in human affairs of location and spatial organisations of human activities.
A very important aspect of the subject is the need to create a sensitive awareness of the environment in order to help young people develop an informed concern about the quality of the environment and the future of the human habitat.
Additionally we wish to foster a sense of wonder at the beauty and quality of the world and promote interest in our surroundings.
Students at Key Stage 3 will learn about a series of different human and physical geography topics that build and interleave key concepts of development, sustainability and change throughout this challenging and thought-provoking curriculum. Students will build on their knowledge throughout the course so they develop a greater understanding of the world and their place within it.
….suddenly it becomes more than a subject. Geography becomes the knowledge. The knowledge of the planet, how everything works and how it is all interconnected. It becomes what geography has always been for me – a fusion of the power of the imagination and the hard truths of science.
Geography is all about the living, breathing essence of the world we live in. It explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?
Michael Palin, London November 2007