Key Stage 3

Students have one timetabled session of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) each week within the core curriculum. The topics studied in this curriculum are made up of work on the statutory Relationships and Health Education (RSE) and well as Financial, Political and Careers elements. The purpose of these lessons is to provide students with the information and skills to be successful, active participants in the world around them, to know how to maintain positive relationships and how to stay safe both online and physically. 

We believe that the social education of our students is vitally important as we prepare them for life outside Coleridge. Through exploring themes of inequality, diversity and identity as well as relationships and health, we believe we are encouraging our students to be active participants in their community and in society. 


Key Stage 4

Students have one timetabled lesson of PSHRE (Personal, Social, Health, Religious & Economic Education) within form time sessions. Here students follow all of the statutory guidelines regarding Relationships and Health Education (RSE) as well as discussing issues of diversity, discrimination, tolerance and personal identity. 

An important part of the PSHRE curriculum is also the preparation for Post-16 studies. Within PSHRE lessons we look at the different routes available to students. We support them in making decisions about their next steps after Coleridge and in completing applications for work experience placements and post-16 education



The PSHE curriculum at Coleridge can be seen below. It is adapted from the PSHE Association and their Thematic curriculum for KS3-4.




Students are assessed every lesson through regular low stakes testing and retrieval practice.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

We work closely with the local community, charities and organisations to ensure all our students have the opportunity to hear and learn from experts in these areas. This includes drugs charities, local police and organisations like Form the Future.

Future Careers

Tolerance, mutual respect, appreciation and understanding of different people, their values and beliefs are vitally important for all our students irrespective of their future career paths or choices. 

To support the teaching of careers skills and knowledge, all students will have six Uni Frog sessions per year and have access to the resources to explore in their own time.