Further Education (Post-16)

Further Education (Post-16)

All students must stay in some type of education or training until they are 18. At Coleridge, we support students to make the most appropriate option for them based on their strengths and interests.

In order to allow students to make the right choice for them, we provide a range of opportunities for students to explore the full range of options available to them, including academic and vocational routes, learning in schools, colleges, universities or in the workplace.

By the age of 16, every pupil should have had a meaningful encounter* with the full range of learning providers, including sixth forms, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers. This should include an opportunity to meet both staff and pupils.

From January 2023, they must also have one interaction with a provider of technical education or apprenticeships each year from Year 8.

The opportunities provided to students are:

  • Post 16 provider evening at Coleridge.
  • Information about college and sixth form open evenings.
  • Careers advisor appointments.
  • Meaningful encounters with the full range of learning providers (sixth form, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers) and students.

Year 10: Sixth Form Open Evenings

In June and July, the first open events for Sixth Form entry in 2024 will take place.

The dates announced so far are as follows. Please ensure you book places to the open events you are interested in.

Provider Open Event Link
Cambridge Maths School Monday 3rd July 5:30pm https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cambridge-maths-school-open-day-2023-tickets-629101227707
Cambridge Region College Tuesday 4th July 4:30-7pm https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crc-cambridge-open-day-tickets-391647567417

Cambridge Academy for Science and

Technology (CAST)

Wednesday 5th July 5-7:30pm https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=OjY35I1uCE-7qWwzDXODVwWt6cOAJ8hOl-w34qgHMABUNzAyWDMwRDJVSU5RSUFYNTA1MDc4WFMyMy4u
Chesterton Sixth Form Wednesday 18th October 2023 TBC
College of West Anglia (Milton) October/November 2023 (TBC) https://cwa.ac.uk/about/open-days
Comberton Sixth Form Wednesday 21st June 6-8:30pm https://www.combertonsixthform.org/admissions/open-evening
Hills Road Sixth Form

Saturday 8th July 10am-4pm

 Monday 10th July 5-8pm
Impington International College October (TBC) https://www.impingtoninternational.org.uk/admissions/
Long Road Sixth Form

Tuesday 4th July 5-9pm

Wednesday 5th July 5-9pm
Oakes College Wednesday 28th June 6-8pm https://oakescc.org/open-evening-2023/
Parkside Sixth Form Tuesday 22nd June 6-8pm https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=OjY35I1uCE-7qWwzDXODV31rZdf8AOxOnxaHBf2kMg5URTJBQVBETFdUWDRTMFVYSzRPMkRKMUs2UCQlQCN0PWcu



To help our pupils choose their route into Further Education or training, there is an application process through MyChoice@16. We devote a lot of time to working with our students to support them in making the right choices and completing the applications.


Find out more about:

For more information about any aspect of Careers at Coleridge whether you are a student, parent, employer or Coleridge alumni please:

Email careers@coleridgecc.org.uk

Phone 01223 712300

Follow us on Twitter @CCC_Careers