2023-24 Careers Programme
Students are taught about Careers in their PSHE lessons using the Unifrog curriculum. The curriculum for these lessons is as follows:
In addition to the Unifrog curriculum, students have the following opportunities to learn about Careers:
Year 7 |
- Careers week.
- "What's my line" event (in partnership with Form The Future).
- Labour Market Information in tutor times.
- Guest speakers.
- Aspire to be… Talks
- STEM Project Days (TBC)
Year 8 |
- Careers week.
- Cambridge LaunchPad STEM trip to Ninja Theory Game Studio.
- Costello Medical STEM Project Day
- Enterprise Day event (in partnership with Form The Future).
- Labour Market Information in tutor times.
- Aspire to be… Talks
- Guest speakers (including Provider Access Legislation visits).
Year 9 |
- GCSE options evening.
- Careers week.
- Anglia Ruskin University ‘Eyes on the prize’ event.
- Careers Carousel event (in partnership with Form The Future).
- Labour Market Information in tutor times.
- Aspire to be… Talks
- Guest speakers (including Provider Access Legislation visits).
Year 10 |
- Apprenticeships Fair (in partnership with Form The Future).
- Careers week. § Careers Guidance Meetings with a Level 6 qualified advisor.
- Mock job interviews (in partnership with Form The Future).
- Post-16 options event (in partnership with Form The Future).
- Cambridge University Press interviews day.
- Labour Market Information in tutor times.
- Guest speakers (including Provider Access Legislation visits).
- Work Experience.
Year 11 |
- Careers week.
- Post-16 options evening.
- Labour Market Information in tutor times.
- Careers Guidance Meetings with a Level 6 qualified advisor.
- Additional support for students at risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
- Guest speakers (including Provider Access Legislation visits).
SEND Students |
- Every pupil with SEND follows the same programme of careers as their peers, with support from the SEND team where appropriate.
- Where students are vulnerable, we provide additional meetings with our careers advisor to support these students in making decisions.
Next Update
The information on this webpage is due to be updated by Friday 4th October 2024.
For more information about any aspect of Careers at Coleridge whether you are a student, parent, employer or Coleridge alumni please:
Email careers@coleridgecc.org.uk
Phone 01223 712300
Follow us on Twitter @CCC_Careers