Parent, Staff & Friends' Association (PSFA)


We are here to build the school community between parents and carers, staff and friends of Coleridge Community College, and to raise money to improve the wider experience of students and staff at the school.


  • Build on the sense of community around the school
  • Initiate and fund social events for the PSFA Community
  • To help co-ordinate existing social events
  • To conduct specific fundraising activities in order to provide additional experiences and equipment for the students and staff

To contact the PSFA email psfa.coleridge@gmail.com

Get Involved

Donate for free just by doing your usual online shopping!

You can help raise money for Coleridge PSFA just by shopping online. All you have to do is sign up to easyfundraising®. Then 4,000 shops and sites, such as eBay, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Marks and Spencers, will donate every time you shop online with them. Sign up via the button below and they will match the first £5 you raise.

Sign up to easyfundraising

Keep in touch or volunteer at an event

If you wish to join us or think you might want to help out, we can add you to our emailing list and keep you informed about upcoming meetings, events and activities. Please email us your details to psfa.coleridge@gmail.com

Come to a meeting and help plan activities

We hold about 4 meetings a year, at school in the evenings. You can view the minutes of previous meetings below and look out for invitations on ParentMail.


Committee Members 2020/21

Michael Brunton-Spall Co-Chair

Katherine Brittin Co-Chair

Aga Lanucha Treasurer

Paul Aston Website contact